A More In Depth Look Into one of the University of Iowa’s Therapy Dog Sessions
By Natalie Betz
On Feb. 28, 2018, the University of Iowa’s Student Government held the first therapy dog event of the semester. This school year, UISG implemented three therapy dog events throughout the semester, rather than only one during finals week. The event was held in a small room at the Iowa Memorial Union, where it has always been held. I got a chance to go capture the essence of one the midyear sessions.
I had a chance to talk with Elli Lenz, UISG Health and Safety Chair, as well as Joe Reed, UISG Senator, about the logistics of planning and running the events, and why more events were added.
I was also able to talk with Katie Weihbrecht, a dog handler at Therapy Dogs of Johnson County. Weihbrecht explains how she got involved with dog training, and how she got paired her trusty dog Sir Francis Bacon, otherwise known as Beykee.
Watch the Facebook live stream of the event for more information, and of course, more cute dogs.